Collection Technology is for the Birds!

April 7, 2010
There are so many collection agencies out there these days it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to choosing one. 
You know only two things: 
1) Your client and / or clients owe you a lot of money. 
2) You need help getting paid.
So, you start shopping for a good commercial collection agency and that can get a little scary!  Many agencies and their sales people with attempt to dazzle you with their up to the minute collection technology. They will show you the programs where you can view your accounts online via their website to track the activity on your account.  Amaze you with  predictive / auto dialer software and on and on! 
Now viewing your accounts and collection activity can be a good thing but why should you, the client have to take the time to even check it?  Part of their fee  includes account reporting from the agency, whether on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.  I mean…you are paying them, right?
Then there is the auto dialer…the predictive dialer…the most annoying piece of technology that man has ever developed!  Now, if the verbage delivered by these things could rival that of the Declaration of Independnce, the Gettyburg Address or I Have a Dream speeches then, to tell the truth, collection agencies would no longer be in business!  Collection Attorneys, maybe!
These insipid devices are insulting not only to you, the client, but to the debtor company as well.  Trust me…if these type of calls actually make it to a real person and not a voice mail, they are definitly going to get hung up on.  If these calls reach a voice mail, only part of the message is recorded because the pre-recorded message starts way before the beep!  We’ve have all had them call our business and personal phones hawking everything from credit cards to dial a prayer.  If your not buying from one of these calls do you think your debtor is going to?  It is probably the dumbmest way to acquire money that I know of!   

At International Recovery Services our motto is “We are not them” and with good reason!  We communicate directly with not only the debtor but with you, the client without any gimmicks.  We collect the old fashion way…we pick up a phone and call!
So, make a call yourself.  Contact us at:  (954) 963-9298 or (800) 868-9298  or visit our website at .  We will get you your money!